Critical Corner: Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth
In this week's edition of Critical Corner, a review of the much awaited sequel to Final Fantasy 7 Remake, Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth.
Thoughts and Questions I Had Watching J. Lo’s Bizarre High Concept Video Album
Last week, Jennifer Lopez dropped her latest album This is Me ... Now, and it was accompanied by a video album/concept film that might be the strangest thing the popstar has ever done.
Critical Corner: Big Swiss, The Bloom, et al
In this (slightly truncated) edition of Critical Corner, a review of hit novel Big Swiss, dance show The Bloom, and a round-up of other things I've consumed.
Cancer and comedy: Emma Lange returns to the stage with a winning cocktail
Emma Lange was diagnosed with a brain tumour in 2016. Eight years later, she returns to the stage with a new show, An Almighty Yes.
On First Trimester and parenting
After participating in Auckland Pride show First Trimester, a little bit about my relationship to parenting and potentially being a parent.
Critical Corner: Hyperspace outshines its soul
In the first edition of Critical Corner, a review of Auckland Theatre Company's Hyperspace, a round-up of things I've consumed, links from the week, and self-promo.
A blank page: Minister Paul Goldsmith introduces himself to the arts sector
Last night, the Minister for Arts, Culture and Heritage Paul Goldsmith introduced himself to the arts sector during a one